Monday, December 6, 2010

Appreciate Appreciate-This!

It's been one year since I started Appreciate-This. Wow it went by quickly.

I really am happy I started this blog, and a habit develops when you're always thinking of what to appreciate.

This blog isn't just to share my thoughts, but it is , and has helped me become more positive ..I think! Although I was more active on here in the beginning, and I know this year wasn't the best, but in the back of my mind there is always something to admire about what's around me.

Join the Appreciate-This Facebook fan page and share your ideas:

Thank you for all those who like to participate and give me ideas.

Here's to another year to appreciate!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Appreciate-People who run for things

I was watching a live football game yesterday in Doha, and out of no where was this man running around the field high fiving the players!!! It was very amusing and I'm sure he's living with the consequences now, and no one would dare do what he did. I give him props though. He went for the moment, and he literarily ran for it. If you're excited about something, it's nice to jump in on it, and live it, rather than giving in to limiting yourself. It's nice to watch other people go for it too! It's why we like celebrities sometimes. It reminds you that anyone can do anything. It doesn't mean you should risk your life! but just stop thinking too much!

A recent colleague, and an inspiring leader passed away, Grahame Maher, CEO of Vodafone Qatar. If you see the videos and pictures that people have posted of him, you feel very inspired to live , and not waste a moment thinking and waiting. He lived every moment, and used his full potential. I don't think he ever wasted a day thinking: What if.

1- watching someone getting excited about doing something they like. Watching someone ignite the light of their passion - Not in a dirty way!!- (see video below)
2- Memorable moments that people create when they do something different.
3- People remember people by the way they lived, and you want to be remembered by doing the things you love.

Shukran, appreciated,


Saturday, October 9, 2010

appreciate this October

1- This October , it'll be 10/10/10
2- Halloween!
3- Cancer awareness month
4-It's Thanksgiving in Canada (on second monday of the month)!
5- October Fest (Oktoberfest) for Germans!
6- The weather is between cold and warm. It's a month you can spend outside.

Danke, Appreciated,


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Appreciate Not Appreciating!

My friends and I were talking about how we DON'T like self-help books, because some of them make people think they can be happy all the time. I think that makes people sadder. A number of self help book authors aren't happy themselves, and they put a lot of expectations and bull**** out there!

It's so important to appreciate, and be thankful, but that doesn't mean you're expected to be happy all the time. Real happiness is, in my opinion, a peaceful heart. You make of that whatever you like.

What helps us get through bad times, is finding what we appreciate anyway. There are times when you'll be EXTREMELY HAPPY, and you'll be super appreciative i'm sure! just make sure you live it, and be real- that's what really makes you peaceful.

Appreciate Not Appreciating at times!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Appreciate-This today: Clothing

I appreciate clothing because:

1- they give us privacy!
2- they're fun to shop for!
3- they come in different colors
4- you have something to play with while in an awkward situation!
5- says a lot about your personality
6- in some places, says a lot about your culture, and history
7- can make you look better
8- can help you determine whether you need to lose weight or not!
9- Costume parties!
10- i just really appreciate PJs!

Have a fabulous day!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Appreciate Forgiveness

I would like to apologize for not updating the blog for those who like to read the appreciation lists here!! I've been updating on facebook and twitter, and neglecting this blog! So Please Forgive me (hence title)! Blogs are harder to manage! But This blogspot is where appreciation started, and it won't stop!!

So here's to forgiveness:

During the holy month of Ramadan , I was praying in one of the mosques, and the Imam was talking about forgiveness. "How can you expect God to forgive you, if you don't know how to forgive yourself and others?". That one really got stuck in my head. I appreciate that there is an act of forgiveness. It can be really hard, but it's such a main ingredient in helping us notice more things to appreciate...Agree? I don't believe we should avoid anything, but to put an end to the resentment or anger at some stage.

After thinking abut forgiveness, and who I need to forgive, I began to notice and appreciate the following:
1- Listening & Talking, Reading & Writing
2- Prayers ( for people who don't pray, or if you prefer non-religious references: relying on something bigger, asking for help , having faith in yourself).
3- Growth and Matureness
4- Childlike qualities my friends and family still have! myself included!
5- Lemons! to make lemonade!

If you would like to join the facebook page and participate:

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Appreciating Summer

If there's a sun outside, go out there and list a million things to appreciate.

Here's my summer appreciation list:

1- Smell of grass, fresh air (depends where you are!)
2- Vacation season, visiting friends & family
3- People are a lot more willing to exercise, and take better care of themselves
4- When you're traveling, you see people from all over the world in the airport. If you're not traveling, you still hear stories from friends on weird people they've met!
5- My birthday is in the summer!
6- New music always comes out in the summer
7- This summer will include Ramadan ( although tiring, it's still a special summer because if the spiritual addition)!
8- This summer included WORLD CUP!!!
9- You don't have to bother with your hair in the summer, the sun and heat will ruin it anyway!
10- The weather is nice, you can't complain about the weather since you've been waiting all winter for this time of year!!

Happy Summer Holidays!



Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Losing Things to Appreciating Things

Hello Appreciators!

I recently had quite an experience I'd like to share:

I had two jobs since i graduated, and thankfully, always been busy and working.
Eventually, you have ups and downs wherever you are, and for two years working, you are bound to feel unappreciative of what you have! I started to feel quite bored, and from time to time, naturally complain.

I recently lost my job ( no worries! just visa problems!). I felt for a moment, that maybe God is trying to show me how much i really did appreciate my job. Even made note of silly things i'm going remember, like the colors on the wall, and that I can wear jeans to work! I will say this, I never thought about how much I valued the health insurance i had from just working there!
So i kept thinking to myself 'Gosh I really wish i didn't complain a lot while i had all of this' !

However i'm a big believer in fate, and know I will find even bigger things to appreciate.. this experience in itself is something I'm sure i'll be thankful for.

The important lesson is, you can always wish for better, and you have the right to. Just while you're at it , reaally really try to remember that you're already and always lucky with what you have now! (good news for everyone)!

Merci and Watch the World Cup!


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Appreciate-This had a little break!

Appreciate-This had a one month break from appreciating things on this blog!! If you're a follower, sorry for the inconvenience.

Will be back tomorrow with at least more than once a week reminders of more things to appreciate.

'Wow'ing at things,


Sunday, May 23, 2010


It's Lost Finale Episode tonight.

If you're a LOST fan, what do you appreciate about LOST?

Here's my lost appreciation list:

1- The mystery (6 years of not knowing what's in the box!)

2- The Storyline: How everything and every character is connected

3- Every angle is included ( Science, Religion, Music, Methodology, Action..etc) Making it easy for the viewer to make their own interpretations.

4- The actors are generally good looking!

5- The characters are global (Iraqi, Australian, British, American..etc) Not just American.

6- The music score

7- It's mostly set on a beach. Makes you feel relaxed but anxious at the same time!

8- If you're loyal to watching LOST, you feel like you're able to commit to something even when it was bad! Like you love something unconditionally...(ok maybe that's just me!)

9- The title is strongly related to how the viewers feel when they watch LOST: they're just as lost as the characters!

10- You start to appreciate having a normal life where you don't have to worry about a smokey monster, or mysterious hatches!

Thank you, Appreciated,


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Appreciate-This person : Richard Branson

Inspires me to live without thinking about WHAT IF, and just live!

Thank you, Appreciated,


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Appreciate Video to mp3 convertors

So good! you can download songs from youtube - you can try it:

Shouldn't i be getting money for this?!

Very appreciated,


Monday, April 26, 2010

Appreciating Getting Home After a Long Day

Who's with me?

The feeling of arriving home after a long day, and knowing you can crash on your bed if you like because you deserve it!

1- hitting your head on the pillow just before you sleep
2- for girls : taking off make up
3- taking your shoes off
4- drinking water from your own kitchen, and using your own bathroom (it's true!)
5- seeing your family/ partner / pet you have at home -with hug, relief, story sharing..etc

Takk fyrir, Appreciated,


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Appreciating Team Work

The last couple of months i was participating in the production of Oliver! I just loved how everything worked together - and in the end seeing the result of the team effort from every angle. It was just goose-bumpy and nothing experienced before.

I appreciate how:
1- two heads are better than one
2- different things make ONE message
3- different voices make the harmony
4- when you celebrate the success - you celebrate it with your team! because everyone is just as happy as you are. And if you aren't celebrating, you have everyone else around you to make you feel that you're not alone. Even in small achievements/ failures.
5- You feel useful, and part of something!

i truly appreciate-this,


Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Appreciation Email

I was just sitting at work, and randomly receive an email from a Vodafone employee who clearly knows how to appreciate Spring.
This is the email he sent to everyone to get them in the SPRING mood - which completely made my day:

To witness these lovely days of spring time, they oblige you to take a moment with yourself to ponder the present & dream for the future!Between you & yourself, you'll enjoy a private special moments indeed, that one's when you wake up & decide to have a hot drink while you listening to Yanni or Frank Sinatra's songs for instance & being flushed with your memories that took your breath away in the past few months & you still wonder for anticipating what is left for tomorrow..Or even while you hit your favorite tracks & Run either on the road or the new Threadmill !feel the cold tender air tickled your warm body, as you run from everything… from the reality into fancy, from the truth into the unlimited dreams, even from being yourself into a Phantasm that makes you feel Unconscious and everything is so good so far… till the moment you speed at the maximum, time to push yourself beyond your will, beyond your limits… just to feel with that ecstasy & comfortable exultation.You may just sit & stare above high to the Sky, see it so clear & feel it when the golden shiny rays hit your face so gently and for a moment you feel with a shiver!That shiver when you have been flattered by the sparkling view, smell the scent of the perfumed breeze air, the sweet symphony that keeps playing in your head with high & low rhythm in a harmony with the nature,Even that magic while you walking by the sea compels you to stop and scrutinize the view that may bring some Twinkled tears in your eyes, and enforce you saying "Sobhan ALLAH" !!from this Mightiness & the Greatness of His Creatures …For the moments that flow through your mind during this perfect scenes, you may already share it with the one you love...Moreover you may wish a delicate wish to enjoy such moments with someone you really love but you couldn’t?!!Simply either you may still haven't the chance to meet the perfect one who can feel you & understand you without expressing yourself yet!!Sort of a supreme matronly innocent "love" that had been kept so well hidden in Silence! With Modesty & Dignity that completely far away from the sense of Pride or ego..just doing whatever to make them smile!!After all.. It's your own private secret moments that always renew in such times as Spring times..Tons of various wishes that you wish to be achieved since you already give yourself the unlimited permission to dream!This time of the year for me, looks like a very beautiful flourishing face that captured the heart & take the breath away from the first sight,As the sweet vivid scent that wish to last forever..From my vision I see it all more than outstanding!But, if I was capable to see it through your eyes & feel it from your soul into your heart, then it could be a multi-vision images with different multi-dimensions when it's definitely will be more "Extraordinary" than my Solo Dimension!!.. "Just a wish"!!What no eye has seen nor ear heard nor the heart of mankind known before.. It's definition of "The Heaven" itself!!But for me the heaven of God's on earth is "Spring", the most favorite time ever..If the time was cruel & harsh to make your dreams impossible to be achieved, made its painful when you see it so far, even it makes you feel with deep agony that you are disable to reach, or you may feel with bitterness & sorrow when you see it simply.. vanished!But still no one & nothing can make you Not DARE to Dream!The ultimate key for the most simple things is "Satisfaction" that holy shimmering spirit we received from ALLAH through our souls & into our hearts, So..Enjoy the SPRING everyone & feel it deeply whatever with yourselves or when you share it with the beloved ones,In all cases every one of you will find his own special way to peaceful pleased spirit … !!Happy Easter everyone !! :)

This was written by Ahmed Diab ( maybe he should write a blog?)

Shukran, appreciated,


Friday, April 2, 2010

Practice makes Perfect

I appreciate that we can become better at something by practicing. Things become automatic, and you just become an expert overtime.

practicing brain muscles
blogging! (not that i'm perfect at all!)
and even practicing appreciation listing!

Lovely, appreciated,


Monday, March 29, 2010

Appreciating : Remembering things!

I always get ideas about appreciation items, but i honestly forget what i meant to write down for so many days, and then it's just gone! but things to appreciate are never gone! Here's to remembering:

1. Appreciating those or times when birthdays and anniversaries are remembered!
2. Appreciating the times when calls to be made, and messages to be sent are remembered!
3. Appreciating when remembering someone's name!
4. Appreciating you remember good times
5. Appreciating laughing when remembering bad times
6. Appreciating Remembrance day in Canada
7. Appreciating Memory boosting foods
8. Appreciating remembering what you were going to say!
9. Appreciating Reminiscing
10. Appreciating Remembering Dreams

Very much appreciated,


Monday, March 22, 2010

Appreciating Mothers

Happy Mothers day here in the middle east!

Think about all the things you appreciate about mothers in general, and about your mom. If you're a mother, think about all the things you appreciate in being a mother.

The three main things i love about mothers (and my mom in particular!):

1- Unconditional love
2- Nurture
3- Comfort

Mega appreciated!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Random Appreciation List

A number of you told me they like it when i list random things! So i'll do this more often :)

Here's my random appreciation list for today:

1. Keys
2. Sleep & pillows
3. Banks
4. Individuality
5. Glee ...!
6. Security Guards
7. Firemen
8. Carpets
9. TV
10. Privacy
11. Creativity
12. Restaurants
13. Facebook & Twitter
14. Stretches
15. Spas
16. Dreams
17. Coffee
18. Supermarkets
19. Radio
20. Randomness!!

Tack, Appreciated,


Saturday, March 13, 2010



I was just thinking, what it would be like if we can't travel!
We can travel by car, and in some places, via animals! but if i wanted to go to Canada within 2 days, I just need a ticket, a passport and a bag.

* Pilots
* Orville and Wilbur Wright - Inventors
* Airplane entertainment
* If you're lucky, you sit next to interesting new people
* SOMETIMES! airplane food
* Seeing people's faces when they wait for their loved ones in arrival!
* Duty Free
* View from the top
* Landing!

Spasiba, Appreciated,

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Appreciate Your Past

I don't believe in coincidence. I think every moment brought us to where we are now. A lot of people want to forget their past, or they think it was bad. Appreciate your past/ or your journey for bringing you here:

1. It brought you to this blog!
2. You were/are a child
3. For me : I can eat eggs whenever i want! Maybe without my past i wouldn't be able to make eggs or even get to know what they are!
4. History taught us great lessons, and we know people like Lewis Carroll!
5. Following on previous note- great stories that were written in 1865, are now great movies!
6. Practice makes perfect
7.** Even if you're not happy now- just knowing that you're on a journey that will get you somewhere, must be an awesome feeling!
8. It's what's on your CV - Your experiences define your career, and your skills. You could have an experience by just being someone's friend, or listening.
9. A friend of mine ( Ebaa Elmelik!) told me that she appreciates rosy retrospection ( when you remember the past as being more positive than it actually was). It's good and bad, but it can help you get over the not-so-good things faster.
10. ** my favorite part: It makes you appreciate your present. Whether it's how you look much better now!! or that it actually did bring you here :) Anything that you're grateful for today, was created by your past.

Please don't think too much about your past!

Enjoy your journey, Appreciated,


Friday, March 5, 2010

Fast Pass TV is there when you need it!!!

Perfect for bad weather-- i watch movies, tv shows whenever i feel like it! I appreciate that it's there, and makes things so instant!

Instant <-- may be the next appreciation!

Happy March! , appreciated,


Sunday, February 28, 2010

The phrases; Subhan'Allah, Masha'Allah, Hamduli'Allah

This post entry is related to Islam.

As a muslim, there are three phrases i often use to show admiration and appreciation for something, and to thank God for creating them; Subhan Allah, Masha'Allah, and Hamduli Allah.

They all mean 'Praise and showing appreciation for what God has created' , but each phrase is on a different level, and used at different times.

You will often hear muslims say: Subhan Allah, how things turned out the way they did. Subhan Allah look at the mountains.
You will also hear muslims say: Masha'Allah, your baby is beautiful! (wow, your baby is beautiful!) Mashaa'Allah, you're very smart! (wow , you're very smart)
And you will also hear muslims converse like this: How are you? I'm good, al hamduli'Allah. (meaning i'm good , thank God).

The phrase Subhan Allah, in my opinion, has the deepest meaning, and the purest symbol of appreciation. When i say it, it's like saying what is almost equivalent to WOW, and when i say it, I think of things that won't ever go away, like: The sun, mountains, the sea, nighttime, mornings, smiles, breath of fresh air...etc.

If you want to read more on what these phrases mean:

Hamduli'Allah, Appreciated,


Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I try to leave the really big appreciation topics until it's time for the big subjects, or until someone tells me to write about it. Sometimes we just want to use appreciation for small things, because it seems light, and easy. Music can be both big and small ! depending on your experience. Whatever it is for you, try to enjoy this entry, like you would enjoy a song :)

1. Notes , different notes. Imagine there was one note! or no notes to distinguish
2. Voice: different voices, different types of voices
3. Genres
4. Instruments
5. Music Therapy
6. Music education, classes, skills, talent and practice
7. Artists , singers - hard work that goes for a song.
8. Emotions, Mood
9. Communication. Music is like a language/ a story.
10. Culture
11. Musicals, Operas, Plays, Weddings, Events, Parties, Concerts
12. History of music
13. Makes you stop to enjoy the moment- Can be breathtaking
14. Dance & Rhythm
15. It's Art & Science

There's so much more to appreciate about music! But i'll leave that for you to think of.

La, Ti,Do, Appreciated,


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Appreciating the SUN

This is a big one people! the SUN. Even when it's in my eyes, i know i'd rather have it there than otherwise.
MY BIGGEST sun appreciation is Sunrise. Can't really get up at that time, but when i do, just knowing the sun is rising makes me feel good.
Another thing i appreciate about the sun, is that it's constant, it's always there and no one can change it. so when you appreciate it, you are appreciating something perfect, because it's always true, and it is meant to be there in your life. So it's like a gift that'll never vanish...except maybe in winter! (it'll come back don't worry!)
Here's my list of sun appreciations:

1- Sunrise! and sunsets for some people.
2- Energy
3- Warm, hot
4- How the color of the sky changes when the sun is there
5- You know for sure that there is a sun! it's real, it's in everything (science, religion, and even horoscopes!)
6- We see it as YELLOW, but it's not even really yellow!
7- The sun is a star * :) and it's the only star we see in the morning.

Obrigado, Thank you,


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Appreciating People: Alec Baldwin

Is it just me??
he's halirious, & talented. Even though he has one facial expression!

This alecreciation is inspired by 30 rock.
Alec Baldwin I appreciate you!
Thank you,


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Oh Silly Me

I heard/read the word SILLY three times last week; "silly-willy!", "don't be silly" "Silly fun times!" including today. It's a really cute word, even when someone's being sarcastic.

Here is to good ol' silly:

* SILLY times (Rasha MK appreciation): just silly fun times. They're spontaneous and goofy.
* You realize that you were making a big deal out of nothings after you've encountered any kind of silly.
* Silly is associated with hope in a way.

Unfortunately you can't just force a silly, it just happens. You could help by telling yourself that 'you're being silly'!

Bohoma istuti, Appreciated,


Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I'm not so sure about the iPad yet! but Apple adds to your life everyday:
The logo
Simple colors
Capacity and Speed
Apple ads!
Their Marketing
iStores ( any apple store ..yum!)
Vitamin C !

What do you Appleciate about Apple?

Thanks, Appreciated,

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Appreciate a survival tool: Instinct

I'm not expert at this, but i know that trusting your instinct takes faith and trust. You know what feels right, you trust yourself, and making decisions in an instant doesn't scares you!

Note: Instinct is different from intuition ( i didn't know this until a few hours ago!). Intuition (also highly appreciated!) is your guide, and is there for self-growth.

Instinct is the sharp fast warning sign type feeling. It can save your life or someone else's.
Here's what I appreciate about Instinct:

1- The rush
2- Human connection after saving or being saved
3- Even if it was the wrong decision, you still feel good that you used your own judgement (related to intuition)
4- You become wise, because you're using your own experience and subconscious
5- You start to appreciate yourself.
6- Saves time
7- Trust
8- Doctors, Surgeons, Firefighters
9- it's natural, and a gift.
10 - it doesn't go away, it's there forever, whether in us, or someone.

What do you think?
Thank you, Appreciated,


Monday, January 25, 2010


There's more than the eye can see, but you can't see without your eyes! So here's some appreciation for our beautiful eyes:

1. The eye is the door to your soul. if you don't think, and stare into someone's eyes, you see who they are, without their ego.

2. You can see with your eyes.

3. everyone has different eye shapes. You can try to guess where someone is from, mainly from their eyes.

4. different eye colors. + You enjoy colors with your eyes.

5. Beauty + Women's eyelashes, distinguish them for being feminine.

6. London EYE!

7. When someone usually describes why they fell in love, or found someone attractive, it's mostly the eyes! ( i hope!) but they fall in love because of the eyes. + With your eyes you make contact with the other person. In Arabic (and especially Iraqi) you flirt with someone, or call your close friends: ainy (my eye).

8. You enjoy movies, tv, art, nature with your eyes.

9. You rest by closing your eyes. You wake up by opening them.

10. the EVIL eye!! haha ok i don't appreciate that! but it's there for a reason!

But after realizing how beautiful eyes are, please remember NOT TO STARE at people! keep your eyes to your self!

Shukran, Appreciated,


Friday, January 22, 2010

Appreciate this video! (Yoga for Sleep)

This video made my week! helped me sleep, and completely relax. Really appreciated-this:

**note: it's better to watch this before you go to sleep, and not during the day- because someone did almost fall asleep on their desk watching this!**

Try it!

Merci, Appreciated,


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Appreciation from the Past

Developing a habit takes only 30 days. It's been more than a month since I started this blog...did anyone develop a habit of listing things they appreciate?!

A habit of listing good things, is i think an ok habit! I think that if i want others to think of listing good things in their mind everyday, that i should share this part of my routine. (regardless of how embarrassing it might be!)
Below is a picture from a list i had last year :

Thanks, Appreciated,


Friday, January 15, 2010

Appreciating Friends

Nothing like good pals!

1- Someone else with you, you can't feel lonely
2- Good times
3- When they listen
4- When they're there for you
5- When you just have a good time
6- When they support you
7- When they yell at you because you did something wrong
8- When they make fun of you!
9- When they sing with you
10- When they tell you , that you don'y look good in those pants!
11- F.R.I.E.N.D.S tv show!
12- They help you get money! ( dont ask me how!)
13- When hey dance with you
14- When they cook for you
15- they count for at least 85% of your life experience, and what shapes you

So much to appreciate with friends! i can't be creative with this, because it's very obvious!

Terima Kasih, Appreciated,


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Appreciating the Basics

Today I overheard someone say, that he really appreciates the basics, and that is because he had seen places where people don't have what he has. So let's appreciate the basic things we have NOW:

Image: Francesco Marino /

1- Water (a requested appreciation!)
2- Clean Air
3- Tables
4- Chairs
5- Walls
6- Curtains
7- Colors
8- Mirrors
9- Plates
10- Electricity
11- Languages
12- Blankets
13- Petrol
14- Pillows
15- Medicine ( even just things like ..Vitamins!)
16- Teeth..!
17- Door locks
18- Paper
19- Food
20- Clothes

Dank U, Appreciated,


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Appreciating Books

I hope books don't become extinct! There's just something really cool about holding a 500 page novel and looking smart! rather than reading it online, or using kindle (i'm sorry kindle lovers!) Plus I really like book stores, and seeing people who like the same sections i do. There was a book fair today, and I couldn't help but appreciate:

1- how new books smell!
2- how someone cared enough to write a subject about something! makes you feel how important it is (a book about robes, makes you appreciate robes!)
3- how an expert wanted people and kids to learn about something.
4- how pages are protected by the cover. and i don't care what they say, you still judge a book by its cover!
5- most bookstores have coffee shops.
6- good books make it to movies, but the book is always better than the movie!
7- how when you buy a book, you feel like you bought something good (almost healthy) for you! even if the book is not really any good.
8- seriously you just look smarter carrying a book!
9- how they keep you busy while you're waiting.
10- you read to children when they fall asleep. They'll always remember that you were carrying a book to read to them.
11- It's nice to find common interests through books. It draws you closer in a way. Oprah has her famous book club for that reason!
12- It's a way for talented writers to get money.
13- It helps you exercise your imagination.
14- how one book can change your life.
15- how you can choose to read a book to fall asleep!

Gracias, Appreciated,
