I don't believe in coincidence. I think every moment brought us to where we are now. A lot of people want to forget their past, or they think it was bad. Appreciate your past/ or your journey for bringing you here:
1. It brought you to this blog!
2. You were/are a child
3. For me : I can eat eggs whenever i want! Maybe without my past i wouldn't be able to make eggs or even get to know what they are!
4. History taught us great lessons, and we know people like Lewis Carroll!
5. Following on previous note- great stories that were written in 1865, are now great movies!
6. Practice makes perfect
7.** Even if you're not happy now- just knowing that you're on a journey that will get you somewhere, must be an awesome feeling!
8. It's what's on your CV - Your experiences define your career, and your skills. You could have an experience by just being someone's friend, or listening.
9. A friend of mine ( Ebaa Elmelik!) told me that she appreciates rosy retrospection ( when you remember the past as being more positive than it actually was). It's good and bad, but it can help you get over the not-so-good things faster.
10. ** my favorite part: It makes you appreciate your present. Whether it's how you look much better now!! or that it actually did bring you here :) Anything that you're grateful for today, was created by your past.
Please don't think too much about your past!
Enjoy your journey, Appreciated,
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