Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Appreciating the Basics

Today I overheard someone say, that he really appreciates the basics, and that is because he had seen places where people don't have what he has. So let's appreciate the basic things we have NOW:

Image: Francesco Marino / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

1- Water (a requested appreciation!)
2- Clean Air
3- Tables
4- Chairs
5- Walls
6- Curtains
7- Colors
8- Mirrors
9- Plates
10- Electricity
11- Languages
12- Blankets
13- Petrol
14- Pillows
15- Medicine ( even just things like ..Vitamins!)
16- Teeth..!
17- Door locks
18- Paper
19- Food
20- Clothes

Dank U, Appreciated,
