Sunday, February 28, 2010

The phrases; Subhan'Allah, Masha'Allah, Hamduli'Allah

This post entry is related to Islam.

As a muslim, there are three phrases i often use to show admiration and appreciation for something, and to thank God for creating them; Subhan Allah, Masha'Allah, and Hamduli Allah.

They all mean 'Praise and showing appreciation for what God has created' , but each phrase is on a different level, and used at different times.

You will often hear muslims say: Subhan Allah, how things turned out the way they did. Subhan Allah look at the mountains.
You will also hear muslims say: Masha'Allah, your baby is beautiful! (wow, your baby is beautiful!) Mashaa'Allah, you're very smart! (wow , you're very smart)
And you will also hear muslims converse like this: How are you? I'm good, al hamduli'Allah. (meaning i'm good , thank God).

The phrase Subhan Allah, in my opinion, has the deepest meaning, and the purest symbol of appreciation. When i say it, it's like saying what is almost equivalent to WOW, and when i say it, I think of things that won't ever go away, like: The sun, mountains, the sea, nighttime, mornings, smiles, breath of fresh air...etc.

If you want to read more on what these phrases mean:

Hamduli'Allah, Appreciated,


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