Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Appreciate Forgiveness

I would like to apologize for not updating the blog for those who like to read the appreciation lists here!! I've been updating on facebook and twitter, and neglecting this blog! So Please Forgive me (hence title)! Blogs are harder to manage! But This blogspot is where appreciation started, and it won't stop!!

So here's to forgiveness:

During the holy month of Ramadan , I was praying in one of the mosques, and the Imam was talking about forgiveness. "How can you expect God to forgive you, if you don't know how to forgive yourself and others?". That one really got stuck in my head. I appreciate that there is an act of forgiveness. It can be really hard, but it's such a main ingredient in helping us notice more things to appreciate...Agree? I don't believe we should avoid anything, but to put an end to the resentment or anger at some stage.

After thinking abut forgiveness, and who I need to forgive, I began to notice and appreciate the following:
1- Listening & Talking, Reading & Writing
2- Prayers ( for people who don't pray, or if you prefer non-religious references: relying on something bigger, asking for help , having faith in yourself).
3- Growth and Matureness
4- Childlike qualities my friends and family still have! myself included!
5- Lemons! to make lemonade!

If you would like to join the facebook page and participate: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Appreciate-This/118590484834177?ref=ts


  1. Would you appreciate forgetting?

  2. hehe i actually don't appreciate forgetting at all! but i guess it's there for a reason, so that we do forgive!

  3. You don't have to forgive in order to forget I think. Why don't you appreciate forgetting?

  4. Because i'm very forgetful! and sometimes i forget the things i want to remember forever!

    I'd appreciate forgetting the things I don't like, but want to learn from my past!!

    i guess we could appreciate things 50% of the time, not necessarily all the time :)
