Saturday, January 30, 2010

Appreciate a survival tool: Instinct

I'm not expert at this, but i know that trusting your instinct takes faith and trust. You know what feels right, you trust yourself, and making decisions in an instant doesn't scares you!

Note: Instinct is different from intuition ( i didn't know this until a few hours ago!). Intuition (also highly appreciated!) is your guide, and is there for self-growth.

Instinct is the sharp fast warning sign type feeling. It can save your life or someone else's.
Here's what I appreciate about Instinct:

1- The rush
2- Human connection after saving or being saved
3- Even if it was the wrong decision, you still feel good that you used your own judgement (related to intuition)
4- You become wise, because you're using your own experience and subconscious
5- You start to appreciate yourself.
6- Saves time
7- Trust
8- Doctors, Surgeons, Firefighters
9- it's natural, and a gift.
10 - it doesn't go away, it's there forever, whether in us, or someone.

What do you think?
Thank you, Appreciated,


Monday, January 25, 2010


There's more than the eye can see, but you can't see without your eyes! So here's some appreciation for our beautiful eyes:

1. The eye is the door to your soul. if you don't think, and stare into someone's eyes, you see who they are, without their ego.

2. You can see with your eyes.

3. everyone has different eye shapes. You can try to guess where someone is from, mainly from their eyes.

4. different eye colors. + You enjoy colors with your eyes.

5. Beauty + Women's eyelashes, distinguish them for being feminine.

6. London EYE!

7. When someone usually describes why they fell in love, or found someone attractive, it's mostly the eyes! ( i hope!) but they fall in love because of the eyes. + With your eyes you make contact with the other person. In Arabic (and especially Iraqi) you flirt with someone, or call your close friends: ainy (my eye).

8. You enjoy movies, tv, art, nature with your eyes.

9. You rest by closing your eyes. You wake up by opening them.

10. the EVIL eye!! haha ok i don't appreciate that! but it's there for a reason!

But after realizing how beautiful eyes are, please remember NOT TO STARE at people! keep your eyes to your self!

Shukran, Appreciated,


Friday, January 22, 2010

Appreciate this video! (Yoga for Sleep)

This video made my week! helped me sleep, and completely relax. Really appreciated-this:

**note: it's better to watch this before you go to sleep, and not during the day- because someone did almost fall asleep on their desk watching this!**

Try it!

Merci, Appreciated,


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Appreciation from the Past

Developing a habit takes only 30 days. It's been more than a month since I started this blog...did anyone develop a habit of listing things they appreciate?!

A habit of listing good things, is i think an ok habit! I think that if i want others to think of listing good things in their mind everyday, that i should share this part of my routine. (regardless of how embarrassing it might be!)
Below is a picture from a list i had last year :

Thanks, Appreciated,


Friday, January 15, 2010

Appreciating Friends

Nothing like good pals!

1- Someone else with you, you can't feel lonely
2- Good times
3- When they listen
4- When they're there for you
5- When you just have a good time
6- When they support you
7- When they yell at you because you did something wrong
8- When they make fun of you!
9- When they sing with you
10- When they tell you , that you don'y look good in those pants!
11- F.R.I.E.N.D.S tv show!
12- They help you get money! ( dont ask me how!)
13- When hey dance with you
14- When they cook for you
15- they count for at least 85% of your life experience, and what shapes you

So much to appreciate with friends! i can't be creative with this, because it's very obvious!

Terima Kasih, Appreciated,


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Appreciating the Basics

Today I overheard someone say, that he really appreciates the basics, and that is because he had seen places where people don't have what he has. So let's appreciate the basic things we have NOW:

Image: Francesco Marino /

1- Water (a requested appreciation!)
2- Clean Air
3- Tables
4- Chairs
5- Walls
6- Curtains
7- Colors
8- Mirrors
9- Plates
10- Electricity
11- Languages
12- Blankets
13- Petrol
14- Pillows
15- Medicine ( even just things like ..Vitamins!)
16- Teeth..!
17- Door locks
18- Paper
19- Food
20- Clothes

Dank U, Appreciated,


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Appreciating Books

I hope books don't become extinct! There's just something really cool about holding a 500 page novel and looking smart! rather than reading it online, or using kindle (i'm sorry kindle lovers!) Plus I really like book stores, and seeing people who like the same sections i do. There was a book fair today, and I couldn't help but appreciate:

1- how new books smell!
2- how someone cared enough to write a subject about something! makes you feel how important it is (a book about robes, makes you appreciate robes!)
3- how an expert wanted people and kids to learn about something.
4- how pages are protected by the cover. and i don't care what they say, you still judge a book by its cover!
5- most bookstores have coffee shops.
6- good books make it to movies, but the book is always better than the movie!
7- how when you buy a book, you feel like you bought something good (almost healthy) for you! even if the book is not really any good.
8- seriously you just look smarter carrying a book!
9- how they keep you busy while you're waiting.
10- you read to children when they fall asleep. They'll always remember that you were carrying a book to read to them.
11- It's nice to find common interests through books. It draws you closer in a way. Oprah has her famous book club for that reason!
12- It's a way for talented writers to get money.
13- It helps you exercise your imagination.
14- how one book can change your life.
15- how you can choose to read a book to fall asleep!

Gracias, Appreciated,
