Only recently I heard that it's really good to have honey with warm water in the morning.Not really knowing why i should start, but i became absolutely addicted to drinking honey with warm water every morning , and then I found this:
Now i'm really commited to honey! Tonight I appreciate all the-honey:
1- it's sweet
2- You call your loved ones honey, honey-bun, hon. You also go on your Honeymoon!
3- honey-bun sugar-plum song!
4- Isn't the color of honey really unique?! It's beautiful; honey colored eyes, and imagine having honey-colored hair!
5- A powerful antibiotic when mixed with warm water
6- Has a religious and spiritual meaning: There's an entire chapter in the Qu'ran called Al-Nahl: Honey-Bee. The Muslim Prophet Muhammad PBUH strongly recommended Honey for healing purposes. Also a symbol in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jewish tradition.
7- Winnie- the - Poo!
8- great for sore throat, and when you want to sing or talk alot!
9- Just the miracle of how bees make honey
10- It's a beauty ingredient - put it on your face (with water)
11- Something that helps you lose weight , while tasting sweet and fullfiling! check out the hibernation diet.
12- tastiest medicine ever! and with no side-effects
13- You can mix it as a natural sweetner with green tea, any tea coffee and other naughty drinks!
14- Energy booster & at the same time helps you sleep at night! (good for day and night)
15- It flows nicely : it's liquidy, easy to eat, mix, swallow..etc
Ok i'm not advertising Honey! So i'll stop there! Feel free to share your remedy appreciation here.
Thanks, Appreciated,
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