Monday, December 6, 2010

Appreciate Appreciate-This!

It's been one year since I started Appreciate-This. Wow it went by quickly.

I really am happy I started this blog, and a habit develops when you're always thinking of what to appreciate.

This blog isn't just to share my thoughts, but it is , and has helped me become more positive ..I think! Although I was more active on here in the beginning, and I know this year wasn't the best, but in the back of my mind there is always something to admire about what's around me.

Join the Appreciate-This Facebook fan page and share your ideas:

Thank you for all those who like to participate and give me ideas.

Here's to another year to appreciate!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Appreciate-People who run for things

I was watching a live football game yesterday in Doha, and out of no where was this man running around the field high fiving the players!!! It was very amusing and I'm sure he's living with the consequences now, and no one would dare do what he did. I give him props though. He went for the moment, and he literarily ran for it. If you're excited about something, it's nice to jump in on it, and live it, rather than giving in to limiting yourself. It's nice to watch other people go for it too! It's why we like celebrities sometimes. It reminds you that anyone can do anything. It doesn't mean you should risk your life! but just stop thinking too much!

A recent colleague, and an inspiring leader passed away, Grahame Maher, CEO of Vodafone Qatar. If you see the videos and pictures that people have posted of him, you feel very inspired to live , and not waste a moment thinking and waiting. He lived every moment, and used his full potential. I don't think he ever wasted a day thinking: What if.

1- watching someone getting excited about doing something they like. Watching someone ignite the light of their passion - Not in a dirty way!!- (see video below)
2- Memorable moments that people create when they do something different.
3- People remember people by the way they lived, and you want to be remembered by doing the things you love.

Shukran, appreciated,


Saturday, October 9, 2010

appreciate this October

1- This October , it'll be 10/10/10
2- Halloween!
3- Cancer awareness month
4-It's Thanksgiving in Canada (on second monday of the month)!
5- October Fest (Oktoberfest) for Germans!
6- The weather is between cold and warm. It's a month you can spend outside.

Danke, Appreciated,


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Appreciate Not Appreciating!

My friends and I were talking about how we DON'T like self-help books, because some of them make people think they can be happy all the time. I think that makes people sadder. A number of self help book authors aren't happy themselves, and they put a lot of expectations and bull**** out there!

It's so important to appreciate, and be thankful, but that doesn't mean you're expected to be happy all the time. Real happiness is, in my opinion, a peaceful heart. You make of that whatever you like.

What helps us get through bad times, is finding what we appreciate anyway. There are times when you'll be EXTREMELY HAPPY, and you'll be super appreciative i'm sure! just make sure you live it, and be real- that's what really makes you peaceful.

Appreciate Not Appreciating at times!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Appreciate-This today: Clothing

I appreciate clothing because:

1- they give us privacy!
2- they're fun to shop for!
3- they come in different colors
4- you have something to play with while in an awkward situation!
5- says a lot about your personality
6- in some places, says a lot about your culture, and history
7- can make you look better
8- can help you determine whether you need to lose weight or not!
9- Costume parties!
10- i just really appreciate PJs!

Have a fabulous day!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Appreciate Forgiveness

I would like to apologize for not updating the blog for those who like to read the appreciation lists here!! I've been updating on facebook and twitter, and neglecting this blog! So Please Forgive me (hence title)! Blogs are harder to manage! But This blogspot is where appreciation started, and it won't stop!!

So here's to forgiveness:

During the holy month of Ramadan , I was praying in one of the mosques, and the Imam was talking about forgiveness. "How can you expect God to forgive you, if you don't know how to forgive yourself and others?". That one really got stuck in my head. I appreciate that there is an act of forgiveness. It can be really hard, but it's such a main ingredient in helping us notice more things to appreciate...Agree? I don't believe we should avoid anything, but to put an end to the resentment or anger at some stage.

After thinking abut forgiveness, and who I need to forgive, I began to notice and appreciate the following:
1- Listening & Talking, Reading & Writing
2- Prayers ( for people who don't pray, or if you prefer non-religious references: relying on something bigger, asking for help , having faith in yourself).
3- Growth and Matureness
4- Childlike qualities my friends and family still have! myself included!
5- Lemons! to make lemonade!

If you would like to join the facebook page and participate:

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Appreciating Summer

If there's a sun outside, go out there and list a million things to appreciate.

Here's my summer appreciation list:

1- Smell of grass, fresh air (depends where you are!)
2- Vacation season, visiting friends & family
3- People are a lot more willing to exercise, and take better care of themselves
4- When you're traveling, you see people from all over the world in the airport. If you're not traveling, you still hear stories from friends on weird people they've met!
5- My birthday is in the summer!
6- New music always comes out in the summer
7- This summer will include Ramadan ( although tiring, it's still a special summer because if the spiritual addition)!
8- This summer included WORLD CUP!!!
9- You don't have to bother with your hair in the summer, the sun and heat will ruin it anyway!
10- The weather is nice, you can't complain about the weather since you've been waiting all winter for this time of year!!

Happy Summer Holidays!

