Saturday, October 9, 2010

appreciate this October

1- This October , it'll be 10/10/10
2- Halloween!
3- Cancer awareness month
4-It's Thanksgiving in Canada (on second monday of the month)!
5- October Fest (Oktoberfest) for Germans!
6- The weather is between cold and warm. It's a month you can spend outside.

Danke, Appreciated,


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Appreciate Not Appreciating!

My friends and I were talking about how we DON'T like self-help books, because some of them make people think they can be happy all the time. I think that makes people sadder. A number of self help book authors aren't happy themselves, and they put a lot of expectations and bull**** out there!

It's so important to appreciate, and be thankful, but that doesn't mean you're expected to be happy all the time. Real happiness is, in my opinion, a peaceful heart. You make of that whatever you like.

What helps us get through bad times, is finding what we appreciate anyway. There are times when you'll be EXTREMELY HAPPY, and you'll be super appreciative i'm sure! just make sure you live it, and be real- that's what really makes you peaceful.

Appreciate Not Appreciating at times!
